Merry Christmas Cupcake Angels

Dear Cupcake Angels

It’s nearly Christmas and we can not wait to spoil all our little cancer patients this year as we celebrate the birth of Jesus.

Last month 49 new patients were registered and Cupcakes of HOPE financially assisted 275 patients, this is more than double the amount of patients compared to last year November. We can not thank you enough for all the support this year as it has made such a huge difference in all our Onco families’ lives!

Pabello’s mommy shared this with us: “Our biggest challenge this year was dealing with Pabello’s second relapse. We went through one of the scariest treatments but with a positive spirit and faith in God we were able to get through it. I really don’t know what I would have done if Cupcakes of Hope was not here for us, it has helped us not to miss any hospital visits and get nutritious food as she is still on treatment.


Skye’s mommy shared this with us: “My child lost her eyes due to cancer this year and she had to learn to do things and move around without seeing anything. This was really so heart breaking 💔 Every day was a new challenge. We are so grateful for all the support we received from Cupcakes of HOPE, the funds help us get to hospital every two weeks for treatment. My biggest wish for 2023 is to get braille books or a brialle tablet for my little girl so she can start learning. She is turning 4 years old next year.”


JJ’s mommy shared this with us: “JJ se grootste challenge hierdie jaar was die kanker in sy kolon. Ons is so dankbaar vir Cupcakes of HOPE, jullie help ons om sy stoma produkte aan te koop. My grooste wens vir JJ vir 2023 is dat die kanker nie versprei het nie en hy nou skoon kan wees. Net die Liewe Vader sal vir ons dit kan doen en my krag gee. Ek wil weereens dankie sê aan die span van Cupcakes of HOPE wat ons altyd bystaan, sonder julle sal dit nie moontlik gewees het nie.”


Paballo’s Story Of Hope

We are thrilled to introduce “Stories of Hope,” a captivating newsletter series that will showcase one inspiring tale each month. In this inaugural edition, we are privileged to present the remarkable story of Paballo—a testament to courage, strength, and unwavering determination.

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